
Business Owners Report: Sarah Novak Coaching

Your name: Sarah Novak How many years have you been living life in the Foreign Service? 5 years Where have you been posted? Manila, Philippines; Lima, Peru; and Washington, DC. Briefly describe your career path: I worked as a Buyer at Target Headquarters for 5 years before becoming a Certified Co-active Life Coach with the Coaches Training Institute…


Business Owners Report: World Tree Coaching

Your name: Jodi Harris How many years have you been living life in the Foreign Service? 5 years Where have you been posted? We’ve been posted to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic and Antananarivo, Madagascar. We’re headed to Tokyo next. Between each tour we’ve been in Falls Church, VA while my husband attends training at FSI….


Business Owners Report: Carrington Financial Planning

Name: William Carrington How many years have you been living life in the Foreign Service? We have been in the FS since 1993, so it’s been 21 years now. We were overseas for 16 consecutive years from 1994 to 2010. I started in financial planning in 2008 and founded my LLC in 2011. We were posted…


Business Owners Report: Afterschool Plans

Name: Leah Evans How many years have you been living life in the Foreign Service? We joined ten years ago and have been posted to Tbilisi, Georgia; Quito, Ecuador; Kyiv, Ukraine; and now Asuncion, Paraguay. We have also had the pleasure of spending time for job training in Falls Church, Virginia between each overseas assignment….

15 Questions to ask when planning a business at an overseas mission

15 Questions to ask when planning a business at an overseas mission

Often EFMs who do not have a business background are interested in starting a small or medium-sized business. However, they are almost always uncertain about what questions to ask before initiating a business. Below you will find a list of questions that will help you in obtaining the information you need to create a legal…